The MG John K. Singlaub/Jedburgh Award was created in 2015 in honor and recognition of retired US Army Maj. Gen. John K. Singlaub’s courageous actions on and off the battlefield as well as his significant contributions to the U.S. Army Special Operations Forces. 

The award is presented annually to a deserving recipient who exemplifies the Army Special Operations Forces Next Traits, the Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) promise, & demonstrate an unwavering commitment to bettering ARSOF.  Awardees names are engraved on a command plaque displayed in the USASOC Headquarters building commemorating all winners of the award.

The SOA is a proud sponsor of the Singlaub Award that exemplifies the courage and character of our “SOG Boss”.

CWO2 George A. Valdez

The first annual MG John K. Singlaub Jedburg Award was presented to Chief Warrant Officer 2 George A. Valdez, a Special Forces Soldier assigned to the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) on 20 February 2016 at the U.S. Army Special Operations Command’s Red and Black Ball.  The award was presented by MG Singlaub (himself), LTG Ken Tovo (USASOC, Commanding General), and Treasurer Pete Buscetto, representing the SOA.


CWO 2 George Valdez, MG John Singlaub

CWO 3 Lawrence K. Stindt

The second annual MG John K. Singlaub Jedburgh Award was presented to Chief Warrant Officer 3 Lawrence K. Stindt, a Special Forces Soldier assigned to the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) on 21 January 2017 at the U.S. Army Special Operations Command’s Red and Black Ball. The award was presented by LTG Ken Tovo (USASOC, Commanding General).


LTG Ken Tovo, CWO 3 Lawrence Stindt

First Sergeant Jarrid Collins

The third annual MG John K. Singlaub Jedburgh Award was presented to First Sergeant Jarrid Collins, a Special Forces Soldier assigned as the HHC First Sergeant for the Special Warfare Medical Group (A), at the 2018 U.S. Army’s Special Operations Command’s Red and black Ball. The award was presented by LTG Ken Tovo (USASOC, Commanding General), SGM/R Billy Waugh (SOG Legend), and SOA President Rick Estes.

LTG Ken Tovo, 1SG Jarrid Collins, Billy Waugh

MSG Clyde Franklin Whitmore II

Master Sergeant Clyde Franklin Whitmore II was selected as the recipient of the 2018 MG John K. Singlaub/Jedburgh Award. USASOC Commanding General LTG Beaudette and USASOC Command Sergeant Major Eckard, together with SOG legend SGM (Ret) Billy Waugh (SOA #005), made the presentation during the 2019 Red and Black Ball at Fort Bragg on the evening of 9 March.

MSG Clyde Whitmore, Billy Waugh

MSG Usiel “RG” Arguelles

LTG Francis Beaudette selected MSG Usiel “RG” Arguelles of the 2nd Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group (A) as the recipient of the 2019 John K. Singlaub Jedburgh award.


MSG Gregory Keller

MSG Gregory Keller has been selected as the recipient of the 2020 United States Army Special Operations MG John K. Singlaub Jedburgh Award.


CWO3 Michael R. Montenaro

Chief Warrant Officer 3 Michael R. Montenaro has been selected as the recipient of the 2021 United States Army Special Operations Command MG John K. Singlaub Jedburgh award.  The award was presented on 5 May 2022 by Jonathan Braga, USASOC Commanding General, and SOA President Doug Godshall during the conduct of the Red & Black Ball.

Jonathan Braga, USASOC Commanding General, CWO3 Montenaro, SOA President Doug Godshall.

CWO3 William N. Reese

Chief Warrant Officer 3 William N. Reese has been selected as the recipient of the 2022 United States Army Special Operations Command MG John K. Singlaub Jedburgh award.  The award was presented on 5 May 2023 by Jonathan Braga, USASOC Commanding General, and SOA Director COL(R) Rand Binford during the conduct of the Red & Black Ball.

Jonathan Braga, USASOC Commanding General, CWO3 William N. Reese.


SFC Michael Darrigo has been selected as the recipient of the 2023 United States Army Special Operations Command MG John K. Singlaub Jedburgh award.

The award was presented by Jonathan Braga, USASOC Commanding General and SOA member COL (R) Alan Shumate during the conduct of the Red & Black Ball on 3 May 2024.


Jonathan Braga, USASOC Commanding General, SFC MICHAEL DARRIGO