Thank you for supporting the SOA.

The SOA accepts donations of artifacts and SOA memorabilia as well as monetary.

You may designate you gift to the general fund to support all programs or designate your gift to a specific program.

Donations may be made in honor of, or in memory of someone.

In addition, a number of SOA members have expressed an interest in including the SOA as a beneficiary on their wills, or other estate planning.  Please contact the SOA Treasurer for questions on endowments.

Questions? email Phil Devon, SOA Treasurer:  SOATreasurer@specialoperations.org

The Special Operations Association is incorporated in the State of Texas and approved by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under the Internal Revenue Code 501 (c) 19, Veteran’s fraternal organization as exempt from federal income tax (EIN 74-2619854).

All transactions are processed on a secure network connection. No personal or financial information is retained by the SOA.